How to drive FREE targeted traffic to your website

The interest for SEO services expanded to a record-breaking high this year. As clients relocated as a group to the internet-based world, even the most settled organizations comprehended they expected to facilitate their advanced change. Website design enhancement is the most plausible and financially savvy technique for both arrangement and arriving at customers at basic […]

Google Algorithm update May 2021: Page Experience – What You Need to know

Google algorithm update

A Focus on Page Experience: What You Need to Know About the New Google Algorithm Update In May 2021 we’re going to see yet another Google algorithm update. The good news is that this time Google has warned us about its update so that we can effectively prepare for it and maintain site traffic. The […]

8 Incredible, FREE Digital Tools

8 Incredible, FREE Digital Tools to Simplify Your Digital Projects No business is exempt from the pressure of having to constantly come up with new and improved digital content to maintain relevancy, communicate with team members, and entice new, potential customers. Luckily we live in an age where we have an overabundance of digital tools […]

Importance Of The Latest PHP Version

Did you know that PHP is the #1 choice of scripting language for 78% of websites that make use of a server-side programming language? Contrary to some public opinion, PHP still plays an essential role when it comes to site building, and WordPress in particular. According to WordPress’s official website, all WordPress sites require a version of […]

Our Top 3 SEO Tools for WordPress

Our Top 3 SEO Tools for WordPress Making use of a SEO Tool to improve your WordPress site is definitely worthy of all the hype that surrounds it. The higher up your website appears in Google searches, the more potential customers you’ll have for your business! It’s that simple. Here at Website Brothers we specialise in […]

Content Management System

Content Management System Content Management Systems are platforms created to manage content on your website. There are plenty of options when it comes to selecting a content management system for a development project, we customize each one. Some content management system websites have got better tools to create content and some are just made simply […]

Search engine optimization Tips for 2016

Search engine optimization Tips for 2016 Search engine optimization in 2016 has not changed much when it comes to the basics and googles on going focus for great content been king. However search engine optimization has taken a turn on several new trends below are the some of my focus points for our clients we […]

Importance of having an SSL Certificate on your Website

An SSL certificate is a secure socket layer, while an SSL Certificate is what is used to create an SSL encryption to securely connect to a web server. You may have heard these terms before and be wondering what is so important about having an SSL Certificate on your website. That’s where we come in. […]
